Is there any language that native-compiles faster than D?

Per Nordlöw per.nordlow at
Fri Sep 25 16:01:32 UTC 2020

On Thursday, 20 August 2020 at 20:50:25 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
> After having evaluated the compilation speed of D compared to 
> other languages at
> I wonder; is there any language that compiles to native code 
> anywhere nearly as fast or faster than D, except C?
> If so it most likely needs to use a backend other than LLVM.
> I believe Jai is supposed to do that but it hasn't been 
> released yet.

I just added support for Apple's Swift. It's massively slow on 
Linux. Check is 61 times slower than dmd and build is 42 times 
slower than dmd.

./benchmark --languages=D,Swift --function-count=200 
--function-depth=450 --run-count=1

outputs (in Markdown)

| Lang-uage | Oper-ation | Temp-lated | Op Time [us/#fn] | 
Slowdown vs [Best] | Run Time [us/#fn] | Version | Exec |
| :---: | :---: | --- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| D | Check | No | 7.5 | 1.0 [D] | N/A | 
v2.094.0-rc.1-75-ga0875a7e0 | `dmd` |
| D | Check | No | 8.5 | 1.1 [D] | N/A | 1.23.0 | `ldmd2` |
| D | Check | Yes | 19.8 | 2.6 [D] | N/A | 
v2.094.0-rc.1-75-ga0875a7e0 | `dmd` |
| D | Check | Yes | 22.9 | 3.0 [D] | N/A | 1.23.0 | `ldmd2` |
| D | Build | No | 27.1 | 1.0 [D] | 50 | 
v2.094.0-rc.1-75-ga0875a7e0 | `dmd` |
| D | Build | No | 205.6 | 7.6 [D] | 108 | 1.23.0 | `ldmd2` |
| D | Build | Yes | 38.2 | 1.4 [D] | 31 | 
v2.094.0-rc.1-75-ga0875a7e0 | `dmd` |
| D | Build | Yes | 214.7 | 7.9 [D] | 113 | 1.23.0 | `ldmd2` |
| Swift | Check | No | 461.4 | 61.3 [D] | N/A | 5.3 | `swiftc` |
| Swift | Build | No | 1133.4 | 41.8 [D] | 61 | 5.3 | `swiftc` |

I'll rerun all the benchmarks now.

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