Marketing or PR firm to appeal to MBAs and CTOs

James Lu jamtlu at
Fri Sep 25 19:13:37 UTC 2020

Marketing or PR to appeal to business majors and chief technology 
officers. Maybe hiring a firm, maybe as a community wiki-like 

This is what I imagine a page for business majors would look like:

Fire your CMake build consultant!
Save costs on compilation farm!
You won't need that one dude who can do C++ templates!
Hire Java and C# developers and a senior C++ developer instead of 
all C++ developers, to save money, since C++ developers are 
Invest in technology today. Dlang takes longer to start a project 
with, but your team will be more productive later on!

Product manager:

Test a version of your code every hour, instead of every day!

Chief technology officer: (cool tech attitude)

Walter Bright began a revolution in C++ compilers with the 
Zortech C++ compiler.
Andrei Alexandrescu did filler filler filler filler, sitting on 
the 8-person C++ committee at one point.
Where are they now? They work on Dlang, a modern language.

Junior developers:

If there is a job listing with Dlang on it, it's probably a sign 
they care about technology and technical excellence, because 
Dlang is a minority language.

Basically, I imagine a big page with arguments for us and our 
language. noble and

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