What are the prominent downsides of the D programming language?

ddcovery antoniocabreraperez at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 15:35:42 UTC 2020

On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 13:01:54 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

> You don't like auto?
> pragma(msg, typeof(tasks[]);
> now, go back in and replace tasks[] type with whatever that 
> says.
> Swift is 99% type inference. It's strongly typed, and you 
> almost never see a type declaration. You *can* type it, but 
> there's no need. People get along swimmingly without having to 
> specify types. It also makes your code much more robust.
> -Steve

Hi Steve,

I agree, I really appreciate your point and I understand it is 
difficult to an experienced D developer to understand my point.

My "difficulty" (I assume it is my problem) is when reading 
documentation about methods returning "auto"... it's hard, at the 
beginning, to transform this mentally in something I can 
understand (trying not to hide mentally the information)... D 
plasticity differs to other simplest "generics" type systems 
(like Scala) and you need double effort to understand it.

An added difficulty  (that I don't know if the "swift developers" 
will suffer with xcode) is the missing of a good "autocomplete" 
or "type inference" that helps developers to understand the type 
that an "auto" function is really returning in the context of an 
evocation (i.e.: Right now, I am working with flutter/dart and 
vscode shows me the inferred type of a variable when hovering 
with the mouse).

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