What are the prominent downsides of the D programming language?
mingwu at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 17:35:38 UTC 2020
On Wednesday, 30 September 2020 at 14:31:56 UTC, Arafel wrote:
> On 30/9/20 15:37, Paulo Pinto wrote:
>> interface Gun { void fire(); }
>> interface Rocket { void fire(); }
>> class Weapon : Gun, Rocket { void fire() {} }
>> void protectMyself(Gun g) {
>> g.fire(); // what did I actually do here?
>> }
>> void defence(Weapon w) {
>> protectMyself(w);
>> }
>> The name might be merged, but semantics aren't the same and
>> sometimes the unexpected happens, that is why Eiffel and .NET
>> languages approach to explicitly state the interface
>> implementations are much better.
> I would say that this design, at least in the example you
> proposed, is a bit backwards? I think the following looks
> better:
I always hear arguments like this, or something like "I
personally never used such language feature and I don't think it
should be used like in this scenario ..."
In that line of argument (of blaming user for mis-use), C++ could
also be a perfect language: you as a user just need to use it in
the "right" way. (well, as to the definition of "right", who
I think the point is: we are talking about language feature here.
If the language provide a feature, then it should anticipate the
user will *abuse* it, and still being correct.
It's the compiler's job to disallow illegal usage: as long as
it's not marked by the compiler as illegal, the language should
give programmers freedom to *abuse* any language features, and
the compiled program still being correct.
This is the case of Eiffel's multiple inheritance (MI). As a side
notes: as mentioned, it's a pure OO language, there are occations
OO inheritance hierarchy doesn't not make sense conceptually at
all, and MI was used there just to bring in some needed
functionalities/utilities, you can call that is abusing MI; BUT
the compiled program always behave the correct semantics the user
wanted. That's a huge achievement. They've set bar so high, I
hope and encourage any language designer try to meet this bar as
close as possible: (let me repeat)
It's the compiler's job to disallow illegal usage: as long as
it's not marked by the compiler as illegal, the language should
give programmers freedom to *abuse* any language features, and
the compiled program still being correct.
Do NOT blame the user for mis-usage / abuse, as long as
executable generated, blame the compiler.
> That said, this of course doesn't mean that there are cases
> where a function with the same name might be defined in two
> interfaces with different semantics:
> ```
> interface I1 {
> int fun () out (r; r < 0);
> }
> interface I2 {
> int fun () out (r; r > 0);
> }
> class C : I1,I2 {
> int fun () {return /* ??? */;}
> }
> ```
Actually, this is a good example of how design-by-contract also
need Eiffel-style MI's naming resolution technique, otherwise,
you can not even make design-by-contract right.
> Of course, the fact that functions with the same name have
> different usage is also a bit suspicious, because interfaces
As just said, the user should never be blamed or feel sorry for
this. It's the language that should detect such problem and also
provide mechanism to allow user resolve the problem.
> should be orthogonal to each other, so I'm not too unhappy that
> it makes you think twice about it.
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