Tasks, actors and garbage collection

sighoya sighoya at gmail.com
Tue Apr 27 15:23:30 UTC 2021

On Tuesday, 27 April 2021 at 13:50:09 UTC, SealabJaster wrote:
> On Tuesday, 27 April 2021 at 13:29:43 UTC, evilrat wrote:
>> So what's the problem with you?
> Just commenting here as an observation, I think one of his main 
> points is that there's a lack of a standard library based 
> around allocators rather than the GC.

Without to be invited too much in the details here, I think you 
are right. But how should a stdlib look like which abstract over 
all allocators, would it be safe can it be safe and performant 
and generalizing?

I mean RC, for instance, is inferior in what it can accept for a 
language/what it can manage safely compared to GC.

So in return, some algorithms may only work for a GC.

Sure, we can write other algorithms for other allocators and 
other manual memory strategies, but then we are arriving to the 
state space explosion- and incompatibility problem.

I think it is hard to unify the world of different MM containers, 
as severally evidenced by C++.
Though I would kind of like to be convinced if I'm wrong.

Why not go the nim direction and detect acycles with static 
analysis. I know that this is cumbersome given some steps in the 
evolution of D at least from what I heard so far.
Generally, I would like to see the compiler improving storing a 
huge amount of metadata in the resulting binary, e.g., is the 
argument of a function borrowed or cached somewhere without the 
interception of the user in the frontend.

And generally, people moaning about the GC's non-determinism may 
prefer to track cycle detection for potential resources just in 
time with some negative runtime performance hit for the benefit 
of just in time deallocation.

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