another properties thread

drug drug2004 at
Wed Apr 28 17:00:34 UTC 2021

28.04.2021 19:39, Kagamin пишет:
> On Thursday, 22 April 2021 at 07:44:42 UTC, drug wrote:
>> I use @property in my gui, it is really handy to be able to draw all 
>> public members and properties of some data structure just passing it 
>> to widget using reflection.
> Why public members are not enough for you?

I need to visualize my data like debuggers do. I need only state (i.e. 
fields) and don't need methods. And @property let me mark methods that 
should be considered as fields.

But it turns out that in non trivial cases I need additional UDAs to 
control visualization anyway so I can use another UDA instead of @property.

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