Do you use D's GC?

Mike Parker aldacron at
Sun Aug 1 11:09:14 UTC 2021

On Sunday, 1 August 2021 at 08:54:05 UTC, Kirill wrote:
> It's interesting to hear do you use D's GC? Or do you use your 
> own custom memory management structure?
> How performant is GC?
> The reason I'm asking is I'm planning to dive into 3D game dev 
> with D as a hobby in an attempt to create a game I dreamed of 
> since I was a kid. I'd like to know if GC is worth using at 
> all, or should I go with 100% manual memory management.
> Any opinion is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

In short, treat GC allocated memory *the same way* you would 
treat memory allocated and deallocated with malloc and free. For 
example, in C++ would someone who knows what they're doing 
allocate memory for large numbers of individual entities, like 
particles, in inner loops? No. They would preallocate. Do the 
same in D.

The GC isn't going to run a collection behind your back. It's 
only going to run if you do something that triggers an 
allocation. `@nogc` on the functions that are called in your 
inner loops will make sure you don't trigger a collection at the 
wrong moment. You have other tools if you need them (emphasis on 
*if you need them*), like pausing the GC, or invoking collection 
runs manually at specific points. This is the sort of thing you 
dig into *if* you find the GC is problematic.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say the odds are low that the 
GC will be a problem for you, and lower still if you are smart 
about using it. There is a class of games and other applications 
for which GC is certainly going to be problematic no matter how 
smart the developer is about using it, but I doubt anyone working 
on a hobby 3D is going to be anywhere near there. Even going 
full-on GC and being dumb about using it is going to be just fine 
for many kinds of games. It's all about the scope of the project 
and your allocations patterns. I mean, you can be less smart 
about it for games like Pac-Man, Galaga, etc, but you'll need to 
think about it more for something like Skyrim. Plan your 
allocation patterns in a way that makes sense for the game you 
are making.

To do that, just follow some simple rules. If it doesn't need to 
be a class, make it a struct. If it can be allocated on the 
stack, then don't use `new`. If there's something that needs heap 
allocation but you can see a way to easily manage it 
deterministically, then allocate with malloc instead of the GC. 
Don't do any allocations, including malloc, in your inner loop. 
Preallocate arrays for things like particles, or use free lists 
when you need large numbers of GC-managed objects (not good 
advice for Java anymore, but almost certainly useful in D). And 
so on.

In short, the less pressure you put on the GC, the less impactful 
its collections. The less often you allocate from the GC, the 
fewer collections it will run. So use it for the things you need 
it for, but be strategic about when you call the allocations.

This may help you get started:

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