Do you use D's GC?

Gregor Mückl gregormueckl at
Tue Aug 3 09:15:57 UTC 2021

On Sunday, 1 August 2021 at 08:54:05 UTC, Kirill wrote:
> It's interesting to hear do you use D's GC? Or do you use your 
> own custom memory management structure?
> How performant is GC?
> The reason I'm asking is I'm planning to dive into 3D game dev 
> with D as a hobby in an attempt to create a game I dreamed of 
> since I was a kid. I'd like to know if GC is worth using at 
> all, or should I go with 100% manual memory management.
> Any opinion is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

The D garbage collector seems reasonable for applications with 
small (object sized) allocations. But that changes when you 
allocate large blocks of memory: due to a bug internal to the 
tracking of allocated pages, performance gradually degrades over 
time. So if you have to allocate large(ish) buffers regularly, 
it'll show over time. I reported that bug here with a repro case, 
but it didn't get any attention yet:

I haven't managed to understand thag part of the GC enough to 
submit a patch myself :(.

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