You are a stupid programmer, you can't have that

Dukc ajieskola at
Mon Aug 9 12:14:27 UTC 2021

On Sunday, 8 August 2021 at 09:49:41 UTC, Dylan Graham wrote:
> On Saturday, 7 August 2021 at 12:15:15 UTC, IGotD- wrote:
>> [snip]
> Zig does stuff like this and it's why I can't take that 
> language seriously. At all. To paraphrase what I was told by 
> Zig's community and BDFL: "if there's multiple ways to do 
> something then obviously dumb dumb programmer will get it 
> completely wrong".
> I like programming languages that help me catch bugs (D or 
> Rust), not languages that treat me like a 3 year old.

To be fair, I don't think lack of unsigned integers is a big 
deal. Because many operators do not care whether it's signed or 
unsigned that's being used, and for the remaining ones (divide, 
modulus, right shift) the language can define standard library 

But I do agree in general that either Java does not have much 
faith in programmer ability, or they value implementation 
simplicity much more than readability. I can see no other reasons 
for disallowing free functions or requiring curly braces for 
every singe `if` or `while` statement. Or for requiring repeating 
`public` on every public member instead of just before the first 
one as in C++ (Haven't done much Java, forgive me if I recall the 
details wrong).

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