How can one reliably run unittests
invalid at
Wed Aug 25 13:23:22 UTC 2021
On Wednesday, 25 August 2021 at 11:46:18 UTC, jfondren wrote:
> On Wednesday, 25 August 2021 at 11:11:24 UTC, Steven
> Schveighoffer wrote:
>> The only thing that isn't provided is running individual
>> tests, but that is a compiler issue (the compiler combines all
>> unittests in a module into one callable).
> You can run individual tests:
> ```d
> module tester1;
> unittest { assert(true); }
> unittest { assert(!!true); }
> unittest { assert(1 != 1); }
> unittest { assert(1 > 0); }
> version (unittest) {
> bool tester() {
> import std.meta : AliasSeq;
> import std.stdio : writef, writeln;
> alias tests = AliasSeq!(__traits(getUnitTests,
> tester1));
> static foreach (i; 0 .. tests.length) {
> writef!"Test %d/%d ..."(i + 1, tests.length);
> try {
> tests[i]();
> writeln("ok");
> } catch (Throwable t) {
> writeln("failed");
> }
> }
> return false;
> }
> shared static this() {
> import core.runtime : Runtime;
> Runtime.moduleUnitTester = &tester;
> }
> }
> void main() {
> assert(false); // this doesn't get run
> }
> ```
> usage:
> ```
> $ dmd -unittest -run tester1.d
> Test 1/4 ...ok
> Test 2/4 ...ok
> Test 3/4 ...failed
> Test 4/4 ...ok
> ```
> I found this out in
> , which has a tester that calls tests differently depending on their having a UDA
But due to the fact that all unittests are compiled into one
callable, i.e. it's all in the same process, doesn't that mean
that after catching a throwable that the program is in UB ? And
isn't that the reason why the runtime unittester aborts on the
1st failure ?
So shouldn't it be like every module has its own callable which
can then run in separate processes which then wouldn't affect
others if one of them failed ? Also, that way all the modules
could be tested in parallel.
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