Foreach rename deletes files?
Ki Rill at
Thu Aug 26 03:46:37 UTC 2021
I have written a simple D script that helps me rename files in a
dataset to the following format: prefix_id.extension.
I am using foreach loop and std.file.rename for this purpose.
After a few tests I have discovered that it deletes files. For
example, 186 => 177 => 91 => etc...
I traced the problem down to foreach loop, but I still can't
figure out what is wrong. Is it a side effect of foreach loop?
How can I fix this?
Here is the code:
foreach(i, file; list[0..n]) {
// retrieve extension, oldName, newName
immutable extension = (file.canFind(".") ? ("." ~
file.split(".")[$-1]) : "");
immutable oldName = dir.buildPath(file);
immutable newName = dir.buildPath(prefix ~!string ~
writeln("extension: ", extension);
writeln("oldName: ", oldName);
writeln("newName: ", newName);
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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