Hello World - Advanced

Kelpalots Techance Network deathix at gmail.com
Thu Aug 26 06:53:57 UTC 2021

On Thursday, 26 August 2021 at 06:44:04 UTC, Kelpalots Techance 
Network wrote:
> On Thursday, 26 August 2021 at 06:28:16 UTC, Kelpalots Techance 
> Network wrote:
>> import std.stdio;
>>     void main() {
>>         printf-color="red"=("Hello, This New World!") parse;
>>         printf-color="green"=("What's coooking for Breakfast, 
>> Lunch, and Dinner?") parse;
>>         printf-color="blue"=("Love you bunches, Perfect 
>> Peace!!!") parse;
>>     }
>> [...]
> Oh by the way, I seem to have misused this old house. So I took 
> out import stuffz0rs, and it didn't complain.
>     void main() {
>         printf-color="red"=("Hello, This New World!") parse;
>         printf-color="green"=("What's coooking for Breakfast, 
> Lunch, and Dinner?") purse;
>         printf-color="blue"=("Love you bunches, Perfect 
> Peace!!!") farse;
>     }

So this time it complained, after fixing farse, purse, and parse 
up with just plain ol' parse, because parse guys came by all 
hoover like and made more parses happen, because we ran out of 
"parse" and had to get creative. they also do this for halt's. So 
I don't like that it red out's my extra halts. :P I thought it 
could be infectious files if it didn't halt virus infections with 
extra halts the programming didn't need. But that is way 
advanced, and I'm good about halts after TreeServ needed all the 
programming languages to make him because I ran out of things 
like halts. lol Again whacky science to programming languages. I 
thought D programming language was pretty whacky science anyways 
in my lifetime, and suddenly jumped on board after I ate all the 
libraries to the wrong programming language, as it wasn't 
interesting. huah. But C programmers are whacky science'd out 
already and dlang didn't know they'd ever do that [2014 in my 
lifetime, groundzero].

     import core.stdc.stdio;
     void main() {
         printf-color="red"=("Hello, This New World!"); parse;
         printf-color="green"=("What's coooking for Breakfast, 
Lunch, and Dinner?"); parse;
         printf-color="blue"=("Love you bunches, Perfect 
Peace!!!"); parse;

PS C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin> dmd -run D:\FareDareisMe\Hello_World.d
D:\FareDareisMe\Hello_World.d(3): Error: undefined identifier 
D:\FareDareisMe\Hello_World.d(3): Error: undefined identifier 
D:\FareDareisMe\Hello_World.d(4): Error: undefined identifier 
D:\FareDareisMe\Hello_World.d(4): Error: undefined identifier 
D:\FareDareisMe\Hello_World.d(5): Error: undefined identifier 
D:\FareDareisMe\Hello_World.d(5): Error: undefined identifier 

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