Tuple DIP

Andre Pany andre at s-e-a-p.de
Sun Jan 3 13:20:31 UTC 2021

On Sunday, 3 January 2021 at 05:44:57 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
> On 01.01.21 19:53, Rekel wrote:
>> Is this DIP dead?
> Let's say it's hibernating. Originally I wanted to spend time 
> on it during the hackathon at dconf 2018. Andrei wanted me to 
> instead work on __mutable, claiming it was of strategic 
> importance while tuples are not. He then completely binned 
> __mutable later. Right now I am just too busy to champion this, 
> and the lack of enthusiasm from decision makers does not help 
> motivate me to attempt trading some of my health for tuples.
>> Several parts of the proposal seem very nice to me, and it 
>> seems like a waste not to have it considered. (assuming 
>> https://github.com/tgehr/DIPs/blob/tuple-syntax/DIPs/DIP1xxx-tg.md is the latest version of this not submitted proposal)
>> ...
> It's mostly a matter of rebasing/finishing the implementation 
> and possibly arguing on the forums for a couple of weeks/months.
>> Slightly unrelated, but wouldn't it be better to change the 
>> comma operator to a different symbol entirely?
> Ideally we'd just add tuple syntax and then use (..,..,..)[$-1] 
> as a replacement for the comma operator.

If we could get what is described in your Dip, this would be a 
huge win for D. If my understanding is correct, a lot of other 
users  in the community are sharing this opinion.

Is there anything which can be done here to support you, like an 
official donation?

While it is of course really great having already an 
implementation for the Dip, it is actually not needed for the Dip 
and causes extra effort for you.
Would it be possible for you just to round up the Dip?
Implementation could follow after approval, also done by other 

Kind regards

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