Only want to say

ddcovery antoniocabreraperez at
Mon Jan 11 13:43:38 UTC 2021

On Monday, 11 January 2021 at 10:14:36 UTC, ddcovery wrote:
> ...
> * Finally, with the "extended" version,  I use "body" instead 
> "do":  in/out/body are not verbs... "do" is a verb.  it's a 
> subtle difference, but it's very important to me.
> ...
Oh my God, I found

It seems that "body" will be deprecated in favor of "do"... I 
find this decision specially bad but I suppose I will eat it with 
potatoes (spanish expression).

Imagine someone saying "Because we want to use 'catch' for 
catching errors with promises in JavaScript, we decide to 
deprecate 'catch' in the try/catch structure).   Internet 
Explorer was this incompatibility and everybody was to write 
["catch"] for bypassing the IE problem... actually "catch" is 
used in promises and as language itself and there is no problems.

what "do" signifies?  "if precondition, then do... and check 
postcondition" it is a "sequential" way to express something 
that, in my opinion, must be declarative:  "this method has a 
precondition, a postcondition and a body"

As I say... I will adapt to the new term... but it is clearly how 
"imperative" developers doesn't accept "declarative" way of 
thinking... sometimes

In special this kind of affirmation:

"Furthermore, D's contract programming features are rarely used 
compared to how useful and desirable it is to be able to name a 
symbol "body"

Oh my God... one of the most powerful tools of D are belittled.

Seriously?... this is the kind of decisions that makes me doubt 
about D future.

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