Annoyance with function template unwrapping

Basile B. b2.temp at
Sat Jan 16 23:19:41 UTC 2021

On Saturday, 16 January 2021 at 22:09:48 UTC, solidstate1991 
> In one of my projects, I want to use function pointers that I 
> get from a function template that has overloads. Easily 
> reproducable example:
> void func(ubyte b)(int i)
> {
>     writeln(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
> }
> void func(ubyte b)(float f)
> {
>     writeln(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
> }
> void main()
> {
>     void function(float) fp = &func!(5); // Error: template 
> onlineapp.func matches more than one template declaration
> }
> However defining the function templates this way works:
> template func(ubyte b) {
>     void func(int i) {
>         writeln(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
>     }
>     void func(float i) {
>         writeln(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
>     }
> }
> I might change my project CPUblit to fit to the latter, and 
> then add unittests to ensure that it works, but I don't know 
> whether it's a bug, some odd behavior, or something DIP-worthy.

It's not a bug. If you rewrite the function without the shorthand 
syntax then you realize that the error message is correct, 
there's indeed two "template func(){}". As a workaround,

you can build the overlaod set explicitly, e.g

   void func1(ubyte b)(float f) { }
   void func2(ubyte b)(int i) { }
   alias func = func1!5;
   alias func = func2!5;

or the same but "meta-programmatically"

   void f(ubyte b)(float f) { }
   void f(ubyte b)(int i) { }
   static foreach (o; __traits(getOverloads, mixin(__MODULE__), 
"func", true))
     alias func = o!5;

which allows to use a single ident for all the template func, 
although the overload set must be named differently.

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