Printing floating points

Berni44 someone at
Tue Jan 26 16:25:54 UTC 2021

Being the author of the PR mentioned here several times, I feel 
somewhat obliged to write something too.

On Saturday, 23 January 2021 at 00:13:16 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
> Related paper:

That's great. I'll have a deeper look into it, whether there is 
something, that can be used for our implementation of printf.

 From first glance: It overcomes some of the speed problems I 
encountered and where I currently am trying to find something 
better. The drawback of RYU printf is the large amount of memory 
needed for the tables involved. The paper states 104KB for 
doubles (can be compressed on the expense of slowing everthing 
down). For reals it will be even more. We should make sure, that 
we do not blow up the executables more than needed. We will 
probably eventually have to decide between speed and code size - 
or we'll have to find some sort of a compromise.

On Monday, 25 January 2021 at 04:27:49 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> One way is to randomly generate floating point bit patterns and 
> compare the output with that of print formatting on C.

The last commit of my PR adds a test, that is doing exactly this. 
I would be happy, if people could run that test and report 
differences. (There will be some, because the snprintf 
implementations are known to contain bugs - see my comments above 
the test.)

To do so, check out the PR, uncomment the line "version = 
printFloatTest;" and run the unittests of std.format. The test 
lasts for 30 minutes (you can configure this by changing the 
value of "duration"). After that it prints some summary. (Feel 
free to change the test to make it meet your needs.)

On Monday, 25 January 2021 at 09:17:25 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
> You only need to test the boundary cases, so one can do this, 
> no problem.

I fear, with this approach you'll have a hard time: There are so 
many boundary cases, it's easy to miss some. - You need to test 
all combinations of five flags (-, #, +, space, 0), width, 
precision, rounding mode, different algorithms depending on the 
size of the exponent, nans, infs, subnormals, zero, 
float/double/real(s) and probably more.

On Monday, 25 January 2021 at 21:40:01 UTC, Bruce Carneal wrote:
> If I'm  wrong, if it really is as you say "no problem", then 
> the RYU author sure wasted a lot of time on the proof in his 
> PLDI 2018 paper.

There is a subtle, but important difference between proving 
correctness for RYU and printf-implementations: For RYU, the 
theorem to prove is simple to state: Find one shortest 
representation of a number, that works in round robin.

But what would be the equivalent theorem for printf? Produce the 
same result, that snprintf produces? But which implementation of 
snprintf? And what exactly does snprintf produce? Can you write 
that down? And wouldn't it make more sense to have an 
implementation that fixes the known bugs in snprintf instead of 
copying them? (For example, I read about an implementation where 
snprintf("%.2f",double.inf) produces "#J" instead of the expected 
"inf". Not only adding "#", but also the "I" of inf has been 
rounded up to "J"... *lol*, or printing different results for 
identical numbers, just because one is float and the other is 

I'm not completely sure, I have not found the time to read the 
paper about RYU printf carefully, so I might be wrong, but from 
first glance I think they only prove, that the algorithm produces 
the correct digits. It ignores all the flags and stuff which make 
up about 90% of the PR.

The heart of the PR (which could be replaced by RYU printf) is 
this (version for numbers, that have no fractional part - see 
below for fractions):

> int msu = 0;
> while (msu < count - 1 || mybig[$-1] != 0)
> {
>     ulong mod = 0;
>     foreach (i;msu .. count)
>     {
>         mybig[i] |= mod << 60;  // (a)
>         mod = mybig[i] % 10;    // (b)
>         mybig[i] /= 10;         // (c)
>     }
>     if (mybig[msu] == 0)
>         ++msu;
>     buffer[--left] = cast(byte) ('0'+mod);
> }

It's basically: Divide by 10 and print the reminder until you 
reach zero (printing from right to left). The algorithm is a 
little bit more complicated, because the numbers involved are up 
to 1000 digits long and cannot be saved anymore in a single ulong.

Going a little bit more into details here: The number which 
should be print is given in mybig[] as an integer (similar to the 
implementation of BigInt). The outer loop produces one decimal 
digit every time it is executed - the digit is saved in buffer 
(last line).

The inner loop is a division by 10 for big numbers. It is quite 
similar to a long division, like we learned it in school (here 
division by 3):

736 : 3 = 245 reminder 1.

First, we divide (7 / 3 = 2 reminder 1) and add another digit to 
the reminder (1 => 13) and so on. The same is done in the 
algorithm: (a) adds another digit, (b) calculates the reminder 
and (c) divides by 10. (If you worry about the reordering of the 
steps: This has the benefit, that the loop is without branch and 
therefore faster; in the first step a zero is added, which 
doesn't harm.). Finally, the last reminder is the next digit. 
(And the if below the inner loop is for speed reasons.)

As for fractional digits: Here a similar algorithm is used, but 
this time the number is multiplied each round by 10 and the 
overflow leads to the next digit.

Don't know, if this will comfort you or not, but: This algorithm 
*is* already part of Phobos since 7th of Februar 2020 and hence 
in the stable version since v2.091. It's already used for 
printing floats with %e. The PR is about adding it for %f too.

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