(Skia) Submit project to bindbc?
evilrat666 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 4 09:27:37 UTC 2021
On Thursday, 3 June 2021 at 11:42:05 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad
> On Thursday, 3 June 2021 at 11:35:32 UTC, evilrat wrote:
>> Unfortunately it is still sucks because it uses STL, and there
>> is tons of junk in it. Maybe if I could just strip produced
>> garbage and take only what is used (atomics, unique_ptr,
>> strings, etc..., but not all those extra functions) it will
>> work.
> So maybe it is better to write an abstraction layer in C++ that
> can be used directly from D.
> Other than that, Skia is a good test case for D's C++ support.
Actually I tried this as quick hack and it writes text on top of
C API demo.
So it is indeed just thin wrapper, and it makes possible to
extend bindings to load text functions on top of it.
__main.d__ (add on top)
class SkPaint;
alias SkScalar = float;
enum SkTextEncoding
kUTF8, //!< uses bytes to represent UTF-8 or ASCII
kUTF16, //!< uses two byte words to represent most of
kUTF32, //!< uses four byte words to represent all of
kGlyphID, //!< uses two byte words to represent glyph
final class SkCanvas
void drawSimpleText(const(void)* text, size_t byteLength,
SkTextEncoding encoding,
SkScalar x, SkScalar y, ref const
SkFont font, ref const SkPaint paint);
alias drawSimpleTextFn = void function(SkCanvas this_,
const(void)* text, size_t byteLength,
SkTextEncoding encoding,
SkScalar x, SkScalar y, ref const
SkFont font, ref const SkPaint paint);
extern(C++, class)
struct SkFont
byte[256] instanceData_; // hack, reserve enough space to
fit all data, since I don't know actual size
//@disable this();
//pragma(msg, SkFont.__ctor.mangleof);
alias ctorFn = void function(SkFont* this_);
__main.d__ (insert at the end of draw function before delete
void draw(sk_canvas_t* canvas) {
// ...
sk_paint_t* strokeText = sk_paint_new();
sk_paint_set_stroke(strokeText, true);
sk_paint_set_stroke_width(strokeText, 1.0f);
import core.sys.windows.windows;
auto lib = LoadLibrary("skia.dll");
SkCanvas.drawSimpleTextFn drawTextFnPtr =
cast(SkCanvas.drawSimpleTextFn) GetProcAddress(lib,
"?drawSimpleText at SkCanvas@@QEAAXPEBX_KW4SkTextEncoding@@MMAEBVSkFont@@AEBVSkPaint@@@Z");
SkFont fnt;
SkFont.ctorFn skFontCtorPtr = cast(SkFont.ctorFn)
GetProcAddress(lib, "??0SkFont@@QEAA at XZ");
enum text = "test dynamic text";
drawTextFnPtr(cast(SkCanvas)canvas, text.ptr, text.length,
SkTextEncoding.kUTF8, 150, 150, fnt, *cast(SkPaint*) strokeText);
// deleters
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