Stop using the enum as a manifest constant.

Jack Applegame japplegame at
Sun Jun 6 10:40:13 UTC 2021

On Sunday, 6 June 2021 at 10:24:54 UTC, evilrat wrote:
> Nah, that enum arrays specifically,

Except for character arrays. Just change `int[]` to 

void example.useEnum():
         push    rbx
         lea     rbx, [rip + .L.str]
         mov     edi, 3
         mov     rsi, rbx
         call    @nogc void example.sideEffect(const(char[]))@PLT
         mov     edi, 3
         mov     rsi, rbx
         pop     rbx
         jmp     @nogc void example.sideEffect(const(char[]))@PLT

void example.useConst():
         push    rbx
         lea     rbx, [rip + .L.str]
         mov     edi, 3
         mov     rsi, rbx
         call    @nogc void example.sideEffect(const(char[]))@PLT
         mov     edi, 3
         mov     rsi, rbx
         pop     rbx
         jmp     @nogc void example.sideEffect(const(char[]))@PLT

> deprecating this specific case is probably ok though.

That's not enough. Let's deprecate any use of enum as a manifest 

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