How about not making signatures so visually complex?

Ola Fosheim Grøstad ola.fosheim.grostad at
Sat Jun 12 08:01:10 UTC 2021

One of the things I don't like about C++ is that signatures often 
end up being complex. Sadly, D2's signatures are even more 
complex (D1 had an edge on C++ there).

Why not simply move "linting" information to a separate line and 
keep the "first line" of function definitions clean.

E.g. to require the return value, a, b to have the same lifetime:
int myfunc(A a, ref T c)

Or introduce a new operator £ that takes the lifetime of an 
object, which I think is even better:

int myfunc(A a, B b, ref T c)

This would also allow specifying destruction order
require(£b < £a.x)

Or are there things that needs to be expressed about life times 
that cannot work with such a scheme?

I also think a scheme like this should allow library authors to 
give names to individual requirements and invariants.

That would allow better error messages, maybe even custom error 
handlers, e.g.:

invariant outofbounds { tests }
require lifetimes (…)
__interpret_compilation_error outofbounds (context) {
    if ( such and such)
    return "This failed because..."


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