Metaprogramming without templates
Stefan Koch
uplink.coder at
Thu Jun 24 11:53:00 UTC 2021
On Sunday, 20 June 2021 at 22:51:06 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
> [snip]
> And I assume I'll first have to make advances on dealing with
> complicated forward reference graphs before I can show anything
> neat.
No more assumptions now I have proof :P
check the following example:
import core.reflect.type;
import core.reflect.node;
import core.reflect.decl;
// reflection functions may ne annotated with @(core.reflect)
// to prevent code generation for them
// in this case the function itself does not call reflection
// such as nodeFromName. but if it did we would have to prevent
// as nodeFromName does not have a function body
@(core.reflect) immutable(Type) getType(immutable Node node)
if (immutable vd = cast(immutable VariableDeclaration)node)
return vd.type;
return null;
int[2] myArr;
static immutable arr_node = nodeFromName("myArr");
static immutable arr_type =
cast(immutable TypeArray)
(cast(immutable VariableDeclaration)arr_node).type;
static assert(arr_type.identifier == "int[2]"
&& arr_type.nextOf.identifier == "int"
&& arr_type.dim == 2
pragma(msg, "typeof(x).stringof before decl: '",
nodeFromName("x").getType().identifier, "'");
typeof(myArr)* x;
pragma(msg, "typeof(x).stringof after decl: '",
nodeFromName("x").getType().identifier, "'");
The output of this will be:
typeof(x).stringof before decl: 'typeof(myArr)*'
typeof(x).stringof after decl: 'int[2]*'
as you can see the implicitly forward declared symbol `x`
"changes" or rather "refines" and resolves it's type after it has
been actually declared.
I hope I can find a way to compute a schedule that will leave a
symbol in a stable state as reflection is not supposed to be able
to modify anything.
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