Why I am switching to Go

Rey Valeza karitoy at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 21:51:07 UTC 2021

On Tuesday, 20 September 2016 at 19:14:41 UTC, Intersteller wrote:
> Vibe.d looks great on the surface but lack of documentation, 
> commonly used functionality, and that it looks like it is dying 
> suggests that putting any effort in to it will be a waste. Go, 
> OTH, has tons of frameworks, most are actively support, very 
> well documented(beego, revel, etc), and feature rich.
> If I am going to put any work in to something, I want to make 
> sure that I can depend on it in the future. It doesn't look 
> like this is the case with vibe.d. Hopefully vibe.d will not 
> die and will mature enough in the future so it actually 
> provides a good alternative to the current web frameworks.

Hi, I know this post is old but I want you to know that I just 
did a tutorial on Vibe.d here:


I would appreciate it if you can give me some feedback. Thanks!

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