Discussion Thread: DIP 1035-- at system Variables--Community Review Round 2
ajieskola at gmail.com
Tue Mar 2 19:32:38 UTC 2021
On Tuesday, 2 March 2021 at 16:30:59 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad
> But, the problem with adding more stuff to this aspect of the
> type system is that the language is becoming increasingly
> convoluted.
> At some point local improvements no longer improve the whole...
> and a redesign is the only reasonable approach.
This particular improvement should not add that much complexity
cost, as it is rather a completion of a previously added feature
(@safe/@trusted/@system) than a new feature. If you know how
memory safety of D works right now, you can probably figure out
what `@system extern int;` does. And if you have `struct
mySlice{int* ptr; @system size_t length;}` it is not probably
going to surprise you that you can't directly write to either of
the slice variables.
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