article comparing Rust and Zig, many points relevant to D
Guillaume Piolat at
Thu Mar 11 19:01:31 UTC 2021
On Tuesday, 9 March 2021 at 21:06:46 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:
> On Tuesday, 9 March 2021 at 20:56:12 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 09, 2021 at 04:48:28PM
> 💡
> Great summary! I don't understand why D isn't used more. Maybe
> it's *too* flexible for some people? 🤔
There is PL adoption research:
In this study they found the following drivers:
1. Open source libs
2. Extending existing code
3. Already used in group
See that "Particular language feature" and "Simplicity" are not
really ranked high.
It seems over and over the one driver of PL adoption is always
availability of "open-source libraries".
In pure cynical terms it can be seen is a capital transfert
between those maintaining the open source corpus vs those reaping
added value with the open-source code ; in that it's code you can
rely on, but don't pay for maintenance (or barely).
But it can also signal a thriving/collaborating community (like
with CPAN Perl).
In many of the new "weaponized" languages created by Big Corp, a
large corpus of the open-source ecosystem is created/maintained
by the Corp ; value is instead seeked in the lockin that language
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