A good name for a GUI library?

Mark Lagodych lgd.mrk at gmail.com
Sat Mar 13 23:51:21 UTC 2021

On Thursday, 11 March 2021 at 10:59:11 UTC, Mark Lagodych wrote:
> I've got an idea of a small GUI library as a pet project. What 
> easy-to-type, short and nice name you can suggest? I can also 
> use a shortened form (for instance, if the lib is called 
> "kaleidoscope", i can use only "kd").
> I've come up with these ones so far:
> - Mango (is it already used?)
> - Rowan (i like it; could be shorten to "rw")
> - Feijoa (complicated, however, could be shorten to nice "fj")
> - Pumpkin (also could be "pmk")
> Why fruit? Well, that are just my names. You don't have to 
> mention fruit.
> Any beautiful words associated with Mars?

Will Jupiter be OK? Or Saturn?

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