
Paul Backus snarwin at
Thu Mar 18 18:15:29 UTC 2021

On Thursday, 18 March 2021 at 18:06:45 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
> I'm not a fan of the syntax.. why is it a library instead of a 
> language feature?..

Because it's easier to write a library than to go through the 
whole process of writing a DIP for a new language feature, 
getting it accepted, and implementing it in the compiler.

If you or anyone else wants to write a DIP to add sum types to D 
as a language feature, I will happily support the effort, but I 
am not going to do it myself.

> Because now you depend on ``std``

`std.sumtype` has no non-optional dependencies on Phobos outside 
of compile time, so you can use it even if you do not want to 
depend on anything else in `std`.

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