Feedback Thread: DIP 1040--Copying, Moving, and Forwarding--Community Review Round 1
turkeyman at
Tue Mar 23 00:35:31 UTC 2021
On Fri, Mar 5, 2021 at 10:25 PM Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d <
digitalmars-d at> wrote:
> This is the feedback thread for the first round of Community
> Review of DIP 1040, "Copying, Moving, and Forwarding".
I'm really late to the party here, and there's a lot to catch up, so maybe
I'm repeating discussion that already happened... but I think there's a few
points that need consideration.
First, I like this DIP, I think this is good for D. That said, I also care
deeply about C++ compatibility, and this DIP introduces some serious issues.
1. This changes the extern(C++) ABI, and it's a major breaking change, yet
it's not mentioned in the breaking changes section; every by-val
constructor call will have an ABI change, and C++ compatibility will
completely explode.
2. By-val declarations matching f(T&&) is not a great default. It's
relatively uncommon in C++ for these arguments to exist unless it makes
specific sense, and many cases where it is present C++ uses 'universal
references', that infer rval-ness.
3. ...and even when they do exist, this DIP has different ABI semantics!
The C++ `T&&` function still expects the caller to destruct the argument,
but in D, the caller will never destruct a moved argument. You talk about
this, saying that it's a requirement to pay special attention to the
semantic difference, but I don't think that's reasonable. You're going to
have endless reports of issues from people that don't read or don't
*understand* the difference, and complain their program is crashing.
4. Is it that C++'s criteria for an EMO matches your definition, or will
there emerge cases where a differing EMO assessment will produce a mismatch
in calling convention?
I think there are more problems I can imagine if I dive into the weeds, but
at least these need to be addressed in the DIP.
My off-the-cuff thoughts are:
1 & 2. Rather than applying EMO semantics to extern(C++) functions by
default, and using @value to nominate the default behaviour; since you've
accepted an attribute just for C++ disambiguation, why not assume by-val
semantics as default, and require an @rval-ref attribute instead to select
the C++ move ABI?
3. Since your EMO semantics don't actually apply to C++, that is,
destruction responsibility does NOT carry into the call, I don't think EMO
semantics as described actually apply to C++ at all, and shouldn't be
attempted. We should use a separate solution for C++ compat (like the
attribute I mention above) and EMO semantics have no impact on C++.
So, in the presence of extern(C++), f(T arg) behaves 'traditionally' (as
you describe when applying `@value`), and maybe something like f(T @rvalref
arg) introduces the C++ rules (together with some attention to
overloading). EMO semantics as described have no applicability to C++.
Your C++ compatibility section needs a complete do-over as far as I'm
concerned. They don't improve the situation for C++ compatibility, they
make it worse.
Perhaps it should be tackled as a separate matter, and in that event, I
think the simplest thing to do is to assume f(T) for EMO remains by-val for
extern(C++), that is "EMO calling only applies to extern(D) code", and then
we make an @rvalref attribute that applies only to extern(C++) for the sake
of matching calling convention in a future DIP?
I might be interested in attempting a DIP that adds an extern(C++)-only
rval-ref attribute on top of this DIP; It needs more work. Existing work
(for instance, last SAOC) was taken from the perspective that it solves
move semantics in D at the same time as interfacing C++. With this DIP
addressing elaborate move in D, I think a new approach which ONLY addresses
interfacing C++ is an easier sell, and keeps the feature much more isolated.
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