Motive behind !empty() with front() instead of Optional front()

Jesse Phillips Jesse.K.Phillips+D at
Thu Mar 25 01:35:23 UTC 2021

On Wednesday, 24 March 2021 at 19:23:21 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
> What's the motive behinds D's range design choice of needing
>     if (!empty)
>     {
>         // use front or back
>     }
> instead of having front returning an optional/maybe type with 
> enforced pattern matching?
> Lack of builtin Optional type?
> Choosing the Optional path would have avoided the need for 
> putting error diagnostics such as
> in the standard library of such an alternative solution.

Is optional not having a value a good way to know you are at the 
end of a list? I know that Nullable can use a flag, but if you 
return an optional with a value of null, feels like you are 
defeating the purpose of optional.

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