Motive behind !empty() with front() instead of Optional front()

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Wed Mar 31 07:27:18 UTC 2021

On 2021-03-24 20:23, Per Nordlöw wrote:
> What's the motive behinds D's range design choice of needing
>     if (!empty)
>     {
>         // use front or back
>     }
> instead of having front returning an optional/maybe type with enforced 
> pattern matching?

In my opinion, the best way to interact with an Optional type is not to 
use pattern matching but to use algorithms like `map`, `each` and so on. 
That means an Optional type needs to implement the range API. Might be a 
bit confusioning if `front` then returns an Optional.

/Jacob Carlborg

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