Plan for D
drug2004 at
Fri May 14 11:31:28 UTC 2021
13.05.2021 23:57, dogman пишет:
> Question to the core team. Whats the plan and roadmap for D ?
> a. are we planning to keep D just as a hobby language or a real
> contender for industry use. Despite being complex, rust has started to
> get adopted in industries. Whats our plan ?
I guess that Walter is planning to keep D just as his hobby language (no
offense). And definitely there is no any plan to get it adopted for
industries. Even more I wouldn't be surprised if there is no any plan at
> b. When are we planning to focus on memory safety and use that as our
> strength
See above
> c. Will we ever make D as both a GC and non GC language. So that it can
> be used across control plane, data plane, kernel. I know betterC, but
> could we make it more easy and accessible common public to able to use
> phobos. I know people say 95% is done etc.
That's would be really nice. But see #1
> d. Why there are no working groups for tooling, webframeworks,
> performance, compiler etc so that we can improve on each area.
The problem is that D has been evolved by a bunch of talented people.
They were and are really seasoned but communication between them is very
poor. For example taggedalgebraic has been created by Shonke long before
sumtype but taggedalgebraic was known to small subset of D developers
only and now we have sumtype. It's good library and kudos to its author
but that things create fragmentation in language ecosystem.
We tried to make working group for gui related things but failed because
everyone had its own opinion and we failed to find common ground. There
are two ways to solve that - either increase comminity to rise
probability for developers to find common ground or organize available
developers to work in coordinated manner. Who is motivated so high to do
> e. Why is weka not sponsoring ? why are we not advertising that the
> fastest filesystem is made in D ?
They sponsored D several times. But it looks like they shy its using.
Sometimes I even suppose they could rewrite their code base in other
> f. D has all properties to make it a good language. But needs more work
> and marketing. Why cant we make D as a safe and fast extension to C++ &
> python
Totally agree. D needs the leader(s).
Once again, I'm very much appreciate those giant efforts that language
authors and developers has taken. They are really tremendous people. I
just want D takes its appropriate place in the world.
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