Add ImportC compiler to dmd

Dibyendu Majumdar mobile at
Sun May 16 10:51:11 UTC 2021

On Sunday, 16 May 2021 at 00:00:30 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

> So, I propose that once ImportC is ready, that persons familiar 
> with those code bases try out the SQLite and Lua projects. 
> Failures should be reduced to minimal test cases for 
> incorporation into the ImportC test suite.

I think that if this feature is going to added, then it makes 
sense to ensure that a test suite is present to prove its 
correctness. Users should not be expected to pay for wrong 
implementation. Perhaps the MIR C test suite I referred to 
earlier can be used to validate the implementation; I think it 
has good coverage of standard C and the tests are also small.

I am familiar with Lua but I would only consider spending any 
effort after I am convinced this feature has a proper testsuite. 
Otherwise as you mention in another thread, it just wastes time.

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