Plan for D

dogman dogman at
Tue May 18 00:54:04 UTC 2021

On Tuesday, 18 May 2021 at 00:09:19 UTC, zjh wrote:
> The real enemy of the D language is there is too many people 
> misleading.
> I kept wondering if they were undercover agents from other 
> languages.
> Deliberately, to lead D language astray.

In a language group, there will be always two groups. No doubt 
about it. There is no long language which satisfies all.
Question is why D was not considered why GO got successful, is it 
only the google backing with its money and power or something 
missing from the language or community. I might be wrong, for D 
to succeed
it has to be an alternate to rust with safety, option of complete 
no GC(not by default), easily extensible with C/C++ and easy to 
read/write. Despite go's disadvantages, people follow hype and 
will still use it. D should have been where Go is now. I dont 
think this post will bring a big shift or change in strategy. 
Anyways good luck to all. Take care.

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