Plan for D

IGotD- nise at
Wed May 19 10:02:19 UTC 2021

On Wednesday, 19 May 2021 at 09:55:43 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:
> Hmm, do we really lack memory management techniques?
> I'm guessing you mean *in* the language?
> ...

Yes, that is what I meant. To quote the text in one of the links 
you provided.

*D has built-in types that may be difficult to use without the 
GC: exceptions, strings, dynamic arrays, associative arrays, and 
delegate closures.*

It's exactly these primitives that make D a nice language. They 
should be rewritten so that they don't rely on GC or can be 
retargetted to any GC.

Also, that I want the GC type should be opaque like in Nim would 
be nice.

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