DIP1000: The return of 'Extend Return Scope Semantics'

Ola Fosheim Grostad ola.fosheim.grostad at gmail.com
Thu May 27 20:21:58 UTC 2021

On Thursday, 27 May 2021 at 20:11:37 UTC, vitoroak wrote:
> I do find it more intuitive in Rust too, and lifetime 
> parameters in Rust also apply to structs so you can have a 
> struct that has the same lifetime as the reference it receives, 
> so you can have a Mutex for example return a LockGuard struct 
> that will not outlive the Mutex.

Sounds useful. I have never used lifetimes myself, only read 
about it (including some theory), but I know that lifetime 
annotations predates Rust, I think it was used in a ML dialect. 
So it isn't unique to Rust and I assume universities will teach 
it... So, it will most likely become standard? Dunno.

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