What kinds of Software do you create in D.

Sönke Ludwig sludwig at outerproduct.org
Mon Nov 1 16:09:10 UTC 2021

On 30.10.2021 03:48, harakim wrote:
> I'm curious: Is there a poll somewhere that asks what kind of software 
> projects people write in D? If not, what does everyone write using the D 
> Language?

Apart from vibe.d and a bunch of libraries and web services, this 
desktop GUI app is my biggest project in D so far: 

This is using a custom UI library that I started writing 20 years ago 
(ported from C++ to D around the time D 2.0 was released). Would be nice 
to release that as open-source one day, but I really want to get some 
architectural changes done before that happens.

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