What kinds of Software do you create in D.
H. S. Teoh
hsteoh at quickfur.ath.cx
Mon Nov 1 23:24:18 UTC 2021
On Mon, Nov 01, 2021 at 10:00:27PM +0000, Adam D Ruppe via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Monday, 1 November 2021 at 21:51:31 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> > - A math exploration tool for rendering images of 2D equations that
> > can handle arbitrary equations in 2 variables. Does both PNG
> > output and on-the-spot OpenGL rendition. Contains a minimal
> > wrapper around libfreetype for font rendering.
> you should have used my libs for this too, you get font, opengl, and
> png all in there for you!!!
Haha, the font wrapping was pretty easy, the freetype headers have the
interesting property that error codes are defined with C macros that are
defined externally; by suitably redefining these macros and #include'ing
the header file twice, I managed to generate D code from the C header
file. The input file is an abominable mixture of CPP macros and D code
snippets. :-D It was lots of fun.
OpenGL was no problem at all, I already had the DPP-transcribed GL
headers from my Android project, so all I needed was to call EGL to
initialize the context, then call GL functions away.
PNG output was from a previous iteration of the program that generated
the PNG binary representation using purely range-based code. In
retrospect, though, I should've gone with a buffer-based approach, 'cos
the range-based implementation is dog-slow. (I *could* insert caches in
the UFCS pipelines at strategic points, but at that point it kinda
defeats the purpose of using ranges in the first place and I might as
well just write a "traditional" implementation instead.)
> > - A program for dissecting midi files (incomplete).
> i also have midi
> and of course cgi modules
> my libs do it all
LOL... I love your libs 'cos they have like no dependencies, I can just
drop the file into my directory and it Just Works(tm). Having been
bitten multiple times by library versioning hell in long-running code,
I've come to believe that external dependencies are a net negative in
the long run. Yes, in the short run it lets you get off the ground
faster with less effort and less time, but in the long run all sorts of
maintenance problems crop up:
1) Upstream abandons the lib that you critically depend on, and now
you're stuck having to maintain it yourself. Good luck if it has stopped
compiling 2 compiler releases ago and you don't understand the code well
enough to know how to fix it.
2) Upstream releases a new version that has an incompatible API, so
you're stuck with the old version. Eventually, you end up in problem
3) Upstream releases a new version and doesn't change the API, but
*does* change the semantics of some obscure use case that you critically
depend on. Maybe they think that particular behaviour is a bug or
something they don't want to support. Goto problem (2).
4) Upstream's new version doesn't change the semantics, but *does*
change the performance characteristics of critical functionality (in a
very detrimental way). They refuse to fix it, because their brand new
features X, Y, Z all depend on the new implementation in an
irreplaceable way, and besides, your usage of it is not a supported use
case for performance purposes. Luckily, your program still compiles and
works as before. Unluckily, it has become unusably slow, and customers
are angry and leaving by the droves. Again goto problem (2).
5) Upstream decides that they need to depend on libraries X, Y, Z, all
of which potentially suffer from (1), (2), (3), or (4). As the end
user, you of course inherit all of the problems. The worst of these
problems is that any one of the 150 recursive dependencies may suddenly
release a new version that breaks critical functionality you depend on,
and since you didn't even know that the library depended on such a
thing, you haven't the slightest clue which of the 150 recursive
dependencies is causing the problem, let alone figure out how to fix it.
6) If you're unlucky enough to depend on a package system that
dynamically updates packages from the intarweb, beware: nasty surprises
await on the day of your big upcoming release when one of the 150
upstream dependencies suddenly decide to upload a new version that
breaks *everything*.
7) Actually, that's if you're lucky. Maybe on that day one of those 150
dependencies mysteriously falls off the face of the internet, leaving
your code uncompilable. Hope and pray that you still have a copy of it
somewhere in your cache, and that you haven't conveniently cleared your
cache recently because it was growing too big, because you don't know
when it's coming back online (if ever!).
8) There's a security hole in one of those 150 dependencies that's
making your app today's worldwide favorite 0-day exploit, and you have
no idea that your code depended on that vulnerable module, let alone
know how to fix it. Upstream, of course, has conveniently fallen off
the face of the internet and aren't responding. (Or they're "working on
a fix" but are taking a long time, and you can't wait since customers
are leaving by the droves.) Or worse, the entire repo has gone offline
(probably pulled because of the 0-day) and all you have now is a cached
copy of the stale, and still-vulnerable code.
9) Your code compiled and worked perfectly fine 5 years ago when you
last built it, and you have come to depend on the executable for your
critical business functionality. Then today you found a trivial bug
with a 1-line fix. Unfortunately, the code doesn't compile anymore
because 37 of the 150 modules have released new, incompatible versions
that your code no longer works with, and 17 modules (13 of which you had
no idea you even depended on) have vanished into the ether never to be
found again. What you thought would be a 1-line fix turns into days,
weeks, months, or, God forbid, *years* of effort to reengineer the
now-missing functionality.
10) You're on the road away from any access point, and you want to make
a 1-line change to your code. Of course, you can't recompile, 'cos the
intarweb is down... Enjoy your vacation!
After being burned by the above problems, I have come to the conclusion
that any dependencies must:
1) Have source code. Binary-only libs are a no-no because of all of the
above, plus you cannot fix the problem even if by some miracle you have
infinite time and energy to invest in fixing it.
2) Exist in a *permanent* form on the local hard drive (caches are not
counted because they can be easily lost). Preferably as part of the
working source tree (out-of-tree modules are bad because they can
disappear, point to the wrong thing, be inadvertently upgraded to an
incompatible version, etc.).
3) Have as few other dependencies as possible, preferable none at all.
4) Exist in a compact form (preferably a single file) that can just be
copied and dropped into your source tree at will, without a ton of
hassles. And easy to upgrade (just copy the new version into the source
tree) without running into problems like partial upgrades (forget to
copy 1 of 2 files, now they are of incompatible versions and may appear
to work but introduce subtle bugs).
Adam's libs fit the bill very nicely indeed.
Unix is my IDE. -- Justin Whear
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