Phobos version naming

Andrey Zherikov andrey.zherikov at
Wed Nov 3 21:04:14 UTC 2021

On Wednesday, 3 November 2021 at 20:03:48 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 
> To me, it'd be "better" to have std at top level, not std2 or 
> std1005000220. So how about turning it around? During 
> development, whatever next iteration is would be stdNext (or 
> At release, it becomes the new std and the 
> *previous* one gets a number (i.e. in current circumstance 
> it'll become std.v1). The number may even be date of retirement.
> This way it can be made as alias internally, so we can keep 
> whatever the actual number is rolling, and still be able to 
> break things that need breaking, and get to have easier to 
> implement "std.vN".

I like the idea with

What's about publishing old versions of std to

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