Suggestion about releases
ajieskola at
Thu Nov 4 12:19:07 UTC 2021
On Wednesday, 3 November 2021 at 09:13:59 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:
> I don't have time to write a proper post, but I have a
> suggestion.
> Could we increase the time between releases?
> Today we have in practice 15 days between minor versions. That
> might be ok, but "major" releases are too frequent.
> The logic behind that is it would hopefully put more focus on
> testing and reliability etc. If we have to live with a release
> for a longer time period, the theory is everyone will be more
> cautious when making a change.
> Theory vs practice applies ofc, but I think it could be
> positive. As for what amount of time makes most sense, I'm not
> sure yet.
> Thoughts?
If we are to do this, I think a better model would be to have
every two or three minor releases (With minor releases I mean
what you do with major releases. The correct term for what you
call minor releases are patch releases.) be "supported" releases
where the latest stable branch and patch releases are based on.
Minor releases would be just as frequent as now, just that the
non-supported minor releases would not get patches.
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