SAOC LLDB D integration: 7th Weekly Update
WebFreak001 at
Thu Nov 4 21:53:41 UTC 2021
On Thursday, 4 November 2021 at 02:50:24 UTC, Luís Ferreira wrote:
> [...]
> About the D plugin for LLDB, I also got news. They seems to
> accept new
> language
> plugins as long as there is enough maintainers. If someone
> wants to
> volunteer
> to co-maintain it, I would appreciate.
> [...]
I would be interested in that as I have before created a D python
plugin already and dug a little in dmd's debug symbol generation
code. I don't really have experience with the LLDB code base
though and the python plugin was rather made with trial and error
as the documentation did not contain many examples. I also
haven't contributed any code to any LLVM projects before and
don't really know the code layout.
Would look at your code when you have it started first though.
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