Allow to override /etc/dmd.conf by placing alternative to ~/.dmd/dmd.conf or to dmd.conf in same directory dmd executable is

Alexey invalid at email.address
Mon Nov 8 12:42:54 UTC 2021


As I'm currently experiencing problems with D installation on 
Fedora 35, I'm trying to create Dlang environment under my home 
directory. Specifically, I wrote some rdmd "script" ([1]) to 
automatically clone gits of dmd/druntime/phobos/tools, clone them 
in separate dirs and checkout stable version. the current pitfall 
is how to configure dmd to use new phobos copy, and not the one 
which is currently installed system-wide.

maybe there are some other solution to configure dub and dmd to 
use this separate phobos?


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