My Long Term Vision for the D programming language

SealabJaster sealabjaster at
Wed Nov 17 07:54:26 UTC 2021

On Wednesday, 17 November 2021 at 07:37:24 UTC, Elronnd wrote:
> On Wednesday, 17 November 2021 at 07:25:46 UTC, Robert Schadek 
> wrote:
>> Also you can not have string interpolation without dynamic 
>> memory.
> Both of the string interpolation proposals were specifically 
> designed to permit this.

And I believe this ties into his "Let's not aim for perfect" 
angle, which I agree with.

If anything, this thread simply shows yet again the extreme 
divide in D's userbase.

"Get rid of GC"
"Make GC optional"
"Fully embrace GC"

"Go after the C devs"
"Go after the higher level devs"

"I want to be able to write kernals in D"
"And **I** want to be able to do embedded stuff in D!"
"Well, **I** want to make games in D"
"Humph, **I** want to make Native applications in D"
"Jokes on you, I want to make a web server in D"
"pfft, I just want to make quick scripts and tools!"
[All the above are on differing levels of requirements regarding 
high-level and low-level features]

"Don't you dare touch Phobos with your GC trash"
"Pretty please actually put stuff into Phobos"

"Don't you dare add features to this language, just write a 
"Pretty please add native sumtypes so it's actually possible to 
debug when things don't compile"

"Add string interpolation"
"but it has to also work with printf because Walter says so"
"also not like that since it needs to work in -betterC @nogc 
nothrow pure const shared"
"but it also needs to be easy to use because people from other 
languages expect things to just work"
"but that means we can't use @nogc which is a hard requirement 
for the GC-phobics"
"but but but"
"fuck it let's just scrap it so everyone loses out, just write 
`mixin(interp!"")` instead, nerds"

D - the language of endless bickering and lack of cohesive action.

Still absolutely love the language though, but we really need to 
get ourselves together at some point, because we're stuck in an 
endless loop of trying to be everything yet nothing.

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