Future of memory management in D

rumbu rumbu at rumbu.ro
Thu Nov 18 06:25:29 UTC 2021

On Thursday, 18 November 2021 at 05:50:22 UTC, forkit wrote:
> On Thursday, 18 November 2021 at 04:24:56 UTC, rumbu wrote:
>> Personnaly I want gc to stay and improve. But when I see the 
>> language trying its best to please the gc haters, I wonder if 
>> the GC is the right default memory management in D. That was 
>> in fact the main idea of this post, which model of memory 
>> management will be more suitable to be assumed in D to make 
>> everyone happy.
> You want to make everyone happy? Good luck with that ;-)
> In any case....
> "People often think that D is a garbage collected language. I 
> hope to disabuse them of that notion.."
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PB6Hdi4R7M

Lol. Look, C# is not a garbage collected language:

int* x = stackalloc int[100];
int* y = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(1000);
struct RC<T> where T: struct { ... }

O course, metaprogramming makes things easier in D, but 
pretending that D is not a garbage collected language when you 
cannot join two arrays or throw an exception without digging  
outside the language for a replacement is absurd.

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