Is there an intention to 'finish' D2?

Ola Fosheim Grøstad ola.fosheim.grostad at
Sat Nov 20 13:40:21 UTC 2021

On Saturday, 20 November 2021 at 13:01:59 UTC, zjh wrote:
> what D needed is `reasonable organization`.
> Not only organize `people`, but also organize 
> `code/articles/forum informations/links` etc.
> With effective organization, combat effectiveness can be 
> doubled.

Yes, I am sure that everyone would be very happy if you wrote 
such items! Maybe more people in your country would discover the 
language? Such a large country, with many clever people, can make 
a major impact, I think. If you bring more people to the 
language, that think the same way as you do yourself, then that 
can change the direction over time. Just be patient. I had a 
chinese girlfriend a long time ago, and since then I always have 
felt more connected to your country, even though is is far away. 
I would love to see more chinese D programmers! :-D

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