A motto for D

forkit forkit at gmail.com
Sun Nov 21 03:09:12 UTC 2021

On Sunday, 21 November 2021 at 00:41:56 UTC, arco wrote:
> On Friday, 19 November 2021 at 22:49:50 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:
>> On Wednesday, 17 November 2021 at 16:46:23 UTC, Ben Jones 
>> wrote:
>>> I put this in another thread, but "from prototype 
>>> to(through?) production"
>> I still think this is the best one.
>> "From prototype to production"
> I don't think it's that good as a motto. A good motto should 
> serve two purposes:
> 1. Tell, in less than a single sentence, why the language is 
> good and why should people try it. "From prototype to 
> production" is too general and too abstract; at first glance 
> people won't understand what it means and when they do, they 
> will ask "... And why should I want to use the same language 
> for prototype and for production?"
> 2. It should serve as an overarching statement of what is the 
> language's goal. It should be possible to look at proposed 
> features or improvements and ask yourself, how does this 
> proposal help to achieve the motto's goals?
> Rudy's "Empowering everyone to write reliable and efficient 
> software" is too long, not catchy enough, but it is descriptive 
> and it gives a general direction.

I kinda already done this ;-)

'Create interesting software more easily'.

Isn't that what ALL programmers are trying to do?

Isn't that what ALL language developers are trying to do?

Isn't that what would motivate others to use it?

Is there anything more 'overarching' than that?

Take it .. before someone else does ;-)

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