Choosing an Approach for the Template Lowering of _d_arrayctor

Teodor Dutu teodor.dutu at
Thu Nov 25 18:50:28 UTC 2021

On Thursday, 25 November 2021 at 16:16:11 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 
> What can be done then? If I understand correctly, the union 
> approach was arrived at due to void initialization, as in case 
> of exception array of garbage data is getting destructed. But 
> then, couldn't one just write a T.init into the whole array if 
> an exception is thrown, and not rely on a union at all?..

Actually, I used void initialisation because `T.init` couldn't be 
used when T is a nested struct, because of the context pointer, 
which is unavailable in the scope of `_d_arrayctor`.

On Thursday, 25 November 2021 at 16:16:11 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 
>>    foreach (ref it; result)
>>        emplaceInitializer(it); // this is nothrow
> ...pff, yeah, of course, and then we run into a segfault if 
> it's an array of nested
> structs, which was the problem "solved" with void 
> initialization in the first place.
> Not fun >:-E

I think you've already touched on what I said above, here. It's 
just that there wouldn't be a seg fault, but a compiler error, 
because of the aforementioned context pointer.

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