Thoughts on versioning

harakim harakim at
Sat Oct 30 01:46:18 UTC 2021

On Friday, 29 October 2021 at 21:26:52 UTC, Greg Strong wrote:
> Well, there is a bit of chicken-and-egg problem here.  
> Difficult to become popular if we don't make some breaking 
> changes to address some issues, but also difficult to become 
> popular if we do make breaking changes.  I also think that this 
> thread shows a serious attitude toward the issue, although I 
> can't really speak to the distant past...

I am in favor of making a breaking change, even a large one, 
provided it will lead to a significantly better experience and 
more stability instead of less.

Python 3 made a serious breaking change after 20 years.
Java made some major language changes without a breaking change 
in Java 1.5.

Angular was by far the most popular web UI framework for new 
projects, but lost that edge with frequent major version releases.
Windows Vista never became more popular than Windows XP

I just want D to be in the first category rather than the last.

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