Proof of concept for v2 - NO duplication, NO `static if` hell, NO difficulty with interoperability

eshsrt64 eshsrt64 at
Sun Oct 31 22:45:32 UTC 2021

On Sunday, 31 October 2021 at 01:59:38 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> Destroy!

This is encouraging to see, real movement on the issue as opposed 
to endless discussions on the forum. The core D team are all 
working to better D, so whatever is done in this space will be an 
improved D experience. Whatever mistakes are made on this journey 
can be improved in v3, v4 etc. (and inevitably result in the 
collective forum wisdom speaking out "you are all idiots, why 
would you do that?!? I have no solution either myself, but 
clearly you did it wrong?!?".

As a language D can surpasses Python, C++, Java and C# combined 
but to do so will require small imperfect steps. My 
non-contributor request is: Please do not let perfection get in 
the way of progress.


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