Using core.reflect to check for unused parameters

Stefan Koch uplink.coder at
Thu Sep 2 21:27:33 UTC 2021

On Monday, 30 August 2021 at 18:13:59 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just extended core.reflect's reflection to function bodies.
> Which means you can now do fun things such as checking for 
> unused parameters at compile-time.

Ah the bugs are biting again.

if you have played with the code I posted you will have seen that 
it didn't count parameters which were used as variable initializer

void func(int p)
   auto x = p;

would have complained about unused parameters.
The reason is that we didn't visit the `_init` field of the 

luckily it's easily fixed.
     class Marker : TransitiveVisitor
         bool[const(VariableDeclaration)]* parameterUsageList;

         this(bool[const(VariableDeclaration)] *parameterUsageList)
             this.parameterUsageList = parameterUsageList;

         alias visit = TransitiveVisitor.visit;
         override void visit(VariableDeclaration vd)
             if (auto b = vd in *parameterUsageList)
                 *b = true;

now this visitor will reliably detect usage of parameters.

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