strange behavior of by-value function arguments in postcondition
feepingcreature at
Fri Sep 3 05:47:32 UTC 2021
On Friday, 3 September 2021 at 00:23:48 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
> More specifically, the in condition is a contract that concern
> the caller - in some way the user of the code. You'll not that,
> because the in condition is a failure of the caller, then what
> DMD does is wrong - the contract needs to be at the call site.
> You might that this is just an implementation detail, but it is
> in fact very relevant for contract on polymorphic functions,
> which will do the wrong thing with the current implementation.
You have a point, but it's debatable.
To elaborate, let's consider:
class A { void foo(int i) in (i > 10) { } }
class B : A { override void foo(int i) in (i > 0) { } }
void main() {
A a = new B;;
What do we know about ``? We know it's a method of `A`,
which has an incondition of `i > 10`. So `` *should* by
all rights error out. It doesn't, because through the grace of
our `new B` we have an object that has *actually* relaxed the
This actually relates to the matter of common vs civil law, and
what in the beautiful German language is called the "umgekehrte
Tatbestandsirrtum", or "inverted offense presence misconception".
(Isn't German beautiful?) To my knowledge, the US doesn't have
the same concept, but it's effectively an inverted mistake of law.
Essentially, because civil law lawyers are nerds, they apply the
following logic:
- if one (reasonably) *doesn't* know one is committing a crime,
one cannot be guilty
- so if you *think* you are committing a crime while what you're
doing is actually legal, your action is punishable, because
symmetry is beautiful or something.
(Disclaimer: not a lawyer.)
The same thing applies here. It is legal to call ``
because `a` is secretly a `B` object. But since you don't know
this, you are committing a reverse mistake of law: thinking
something is illegal, when it actually isn't, and doing it
anyway. So in a common law language like D this passes, but in a
civil law language, ie. with asserts at the callsite, it would
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