How can one reliably run unittests

Alexandru Ermicioi alexandru.ermicioi at
Tue Sep 7 08:35:35 UTC 2021

On Monday, 6 September 2021 at 23:57:05 UTC, jfondren wrote:
> The blindness you have to precisely how people intend to use 
> features, "use case blindness", has resulted in a lot of 
> trouble for you:
> 1. you earn pointless animosity by describing existing 
> features, which other people use all the time in comfort, as 
> entirely broken and obviously badly designed.

Doesn't mean that it should not be improved, or properly fixed. 
Oh and if someone doesn't complain about them, doesn't mean that 
they have good architecture.

> 2. you keep derailing your own thread about your own use case, 
> because you don't think it's important to keep the focus on 
> *your* use case.

Selecting just a few modules to compile in a large project will 
affect not only him, but all projects that use source libraries 
that have long compile time of the unit tests.

> 3. even when you talk about problems that directly relate to 
> pretty severe inconveniences for your use case, you're unable 
> to interest other people in them, because you don't think to 
> connect the problems to a use case where they *are* severe 
> inconveniences.

Why are you trying to infer what he thinks, and post this as his 
He did interest at least me, since I had experience of waiting 
unit tests compile for a source library that I didn't need to in 
first place. And to tell the truth it wasn't a nice experience, 
given D advertises fast compilation cycles.

Best regards,

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