Thank you!
notrealemail at
Wed Sep 8 13:35:09 UTC 2021
On Wednesday, 8 September 2021 at 13:25:44 UTC, bauss wrote:
> On Wednesday, 8 September 2021 at 12:12:57 UTC, Tejas wrote:
>> [...]
> People disagreeing with the future of the language, its design,
> standard library and management in general.
> There was a huge discussion recently due to some PR or
> something being reverted and people took sides on whether they
> agreed/disagreed with that.
> Some contributors even left because of it.
> And it's not something new, as it has happened many times
> before.
> There were used to be a split about the standard library too,
> where there existed 2 "standard" libraries.
> One official and then tango (which of course is somewhat
> discontinued and has been for years) - which separated the
> whole community into two groups, those who used tango and those
> who didn't and often code using phobos couldn't be used with
> code that used tango.
> That's no longer an issue but you'll still once in a while hear
> people bring it up as if it's a current issue.
> There are many more.
> Personally I don't care much about all these issues but I've
> seen them hurt the community over all so many times.
That's the problem of being pure open source and community
driven, I guess...
It sucks, but I agree with Mike when he says that the fact we
have gotten this far is a marvel.
Here's to hoping a future D3 will get rid of these problems
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